Everything I’ve Learnt About Distributed Locking So Far
In this post we are going to be looking at locking in a distributed system. But, first let us go back to the basics and remind ourselves what is a lock is and why we need locks.
In this post we are going to be looking at locking in a distributed system. But, first let us go back to the basics and remind ourselves what is a lock is and why we need locks.
According to the Confidential Computing Consortium, a Linux Foundation project, computing is moving to span multiple environments, from on premises to public cloud to edge. As companies move to these environments, they need protection controls for sensitive IP and workload data and are increasingly seeking greater assurances and more transparency of these controls. Current approaches address data at rest and in transit; confidential computing will address data in use.
In this blog post, we are going to look at how to use path-based HTTP routing in Kubernetes using a service mesh called Istio. I am going to be using Azure for this blog, but you should be able to customize the steps for any cloud provider easily.